Princess Aurora
I had in mind to do the blue dress, but I tried to give it a holographic effect. Depending on the perspective from where you look, it changes to pink.
Bee & Puppycat
I’ve been wanting to do a fanart illustration of Bee & Puppycat for a while. I used to watch this animated series when it was only on streaming, a couple of years ago, and now it’s finally arrived a re-adaptation on Netflix.
Beware the Beast!
I show you my fanart of “Over The Garden Wall”. I’ve been wanting to do a design of this TV show for a long time. I wanted to use a palette of autumnal tones, moving away from the ones I usually use. I imagined Greg and Wirt with a more Disney face.
Jasmine Pastel
This illustration has taken me a little more time than the previous ones. Drawing and coloring a mandala is a lot of work.
Belle Pastel
This time I wanted to make Belle, another of my favorite Disney princesses. I imagined her sitting in a rose-shaped jewelry box and then it occurred to me to put a stained glass window in the background. It’s a bit more “elaborate” than the previous illustration of Ariel, as I wanted it to have an ornate decoration, like the Beast’s castle.
The Little Mermaid Pastel
How long has it been since my last Ariel fanart? She’s definitely the character I like to draw the most.
I wanted to illustrate a Little Mermaid with pastel tones, very soft, and I decided to leave all the lineart in the same color. I think it gives her a very magical look. I have also made her face a little different, making her eyes more similar to my style.
Rapunzel is one of my favorite Disney princesses and, although it’s not the first time I’ve drawn her, this time I’m quite satisfied with the result. What do you think?I was inspired by the art of the fantastic @claireonacloud. She has some really beautiful work. She is a reference to follow.
Pastel Garnet
I wanted to draw Garnet again, he is my most beloved character next to Steven. I wanted to make a fanart with pastel tones, at the time of the first merger. I imagined his hair as cotton candy.
Queen of the 7 Seas
I’ve been wanting to draw a fanart of Ursula as Queen of the 7 Seas for a long time. The idea came to me when I discovered Disney’s A Twisted Tale novels. It is a collection of books that offer us to revisit the Disney stories we all already know.
Character Design: Jiang
I show you an illustration of Jiang, an original character that I created just for practice and fun.Jiang is a young boy who lives in a small fishing village. One afternoon, while he is watching and playing with the fish at the pier, he meets someone very special who will change his life forever…
Scary Movies Night
I came up with an illustration of Buffy, Willow and Xander (you know Buffy the Vampire Slayer is my all-time favorite TV show), watching a scary movie on Hallow’ s Eve. A perfect time for the Scooby Gang to take a break. Nothing weird ever happens on Halloween Night in Sunnydale…. Or does it?I wanted to put show my use of shadows and lights, as well as some perspectives. What do you guys think of this illustration? How are you going to spend this night? Let me know in the comments.
Halloween Witch
I wanted to do a Halloween themed illustration, with a witch and a somewhat spooky town (yes, making backgrounds sometimes becomes a nightmare). I’ve put a few hidden details, see if you can find them.
As The World Falls Down
I felt like doing an illustration of Sarah’s character from “Labyrinth”, one of my favorite childhood movies that I never get tired of watching. I had drawn her before, but not with the “princess” dress. I have taken some liberties to reinterpret the outfit.
I show you a new illustration of Alice in Wonderland. As you know, I love to draw illustrations of Lewis Carroll’s books. This time, it occurred to me to make a slightly more extravagant Alice. I was inspired by Gwen Stefani’s video and the face more like the Disney version. I also thought that putting a huge key on her, like when she becomes tiny, might look good on her.
Sailor Moon Pastel
I wanted to make a fanart with Usagi Tsukino. I was looking for a 90’s look but updated and with pastel tones. At the bottom I thought of putting the lyrics of the opening in Japanese.
Mermaid Ice Cream
I was wondering how a mermaid would look like selling ice cream under the sea. This time I wanted to do something more “adult” and add a very sensual touch to the character.
Little Mermaid Girl
This time, I wanted to draw a little mermaid girl, along with her pet (a mermaid cat seal unicorn) and some little jellyfish.The hair is a bit different from what I used to do in my last illustrations, I think it looks pretty good. And I’ve gone back to more pastel tones.
I wanted to make a merman with Asian features and, for the tail, I was inspired by a koi fish. I used similar tones from my previous illustration.
Wandavision Love
This illustration was a commission for @mintpints, who has some amazing pins and will be showing off the ones we designed together soon.